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Community support for Black workers

When someone in our community faces a challenge, we show up for each other. Because who else is going to protect us but us? The LABWC is where Black workers share the tools and information we all need to better advocate for ourselves and our peers in the workplace. When we collectively fight for our rights, we win.

I need support with

Community Assistance
Legal aid
Media and Press
Messaging Guides
Political education/community organizing
Stewards Council
Worker rights
Workforce development and training

LA City Housing Department aims to make affordable housing opportunities more accessible to Los Angeles residents. LA City Housing Department refers residents to the right resources so they can find the best fit such as applying for rental units or to buy a home.


In connecting residents to accessible and affordable housing and residential rental properties, LAHD offers free services such as but not limited to:

  • The ability to search and apply for housing using databases online
  • Online affordable housing listing services
  • Financial assistance for low income first time home buyers


To speak with a live representative about affordable housing options, call the toll-free hotline at (866) 537-7368 or visit the public counters located throughout Los Angeles.

The Housing Authority of Los Angeles provides the largest supply of affordable housing to Los Angeles residents. The Housing Authority of Los Angeles has built a network of key partnerships with City and state agencies, nonprofit foundations, community-based organizations and private developers.

The Housing Authority of Los Angeles provides a array of programs specifically for low-income, homeless, people with disabilities, children, seniors including but not limited to:

  • Section 8
  • Family Self-Sufficient Program (FSS)
  • Homeownership Program
  • Homeless Initiatives Program
  • HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH)
  • Project-Based Voucher (Rental Assistance Demonstration) (PBV-RAD)

Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of American (NACA) strives to provide affordable housing and fair mortgage lending for working families and people of color on a large scale. NACA’s transformative model works to eliminate barriers and be accessible for those who have been historically prevented from accumulating wealth and achieve housing stability through homeownership.


In the area of affordable homeownership, NACA’s Best in America Mortgage includes but not limited to:


  • No down payment
  • No closing costs
  • No requirement for perfect credit
  • No private mortgage insurance (PMI)
  • No fees
  • A below market fixed rate


California Department of Real Estate offers Complaint Resolution Program to act as a complaint facilitator to resolve disputes or minor issues between consumers and licensees or subdividers/developers before violations of real estate can occur.


Complaint facilitators attempt to resolve the following but not limited to:

  • Consumers needing escrow, lender, or inspector information from their agent
  • Consumers having difficulty with a subdivider
  • Consumers having trouble obtaining copies of their documents
  • Consumers in a transaction where the agent is demanding questionable terms or conditions

To contact Complaint Resolution Program:


Statewide Hotline: (213) 576- 6876


Mortgage Loan Activities Unit

Statewide: (916) 576-8691



Statewide (213) 576-6927


Housing Rights Center (HRC) works to secure and promote Fair Housing across Los Angeles County and Ventura County. Housing Rights Center works with all individuals, no matter their gender, race, color, national origin, disability, ancestry, source of income, religion, familiar status, age, marital status, sexual orientation or other characteristics characteristics protected by law.


Housing Rights Center offers free services include but not limited to:

  • Landlord/Tenant,
  • Outreach
  • Education
  • Discrimination investigation


Housing Rights Hotline:


TTY: 1-213-201-0867

Eviction Defense Network is dedicated to help low-income renters facing displacement and eviction and gain access to housing justice.

In the area of legal aid, the Eviction Defense Network can assist support with Tenet Empowerment Program (TEP) and connect the with a legal representation.

The Department on Disability works to propose, develop, and implement policies programs, services and activities that will improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.


Community Outreach Outreach Referrals and Education (CORE) program connects individuals with referrals to social programs that may include, but not limited to:

  • Housing
  • Emergency shelter
  • Employment
  • Job training
  • Accessible transportation


If you have any questions, concerns, or want more information in an accessible alternative format, email


Comprehensive Housing Information & Referrals for People Living with HIV/AIDS (CHIRP/LA) is a program that is administered by Los Angeles Housing Department that is dedicated to preventing homelessness and improving the quality of of life for residents of Los Angeles living with HIV/AIDS.


Comprehensive Housing Information & Referrals for People Living with HIV/AIDS can provide support with, but not limited to:

  • Low Income Fair is Easy (LIFE) Coupon Program
  • Immediate Needs Transportation Program
  • Guides & Listings
  • Clothing Vouchers
  • Free Credit Check
  • Housing Stability Workshops

Gateway-to-Green (G2G) is a Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) program that assists multi-family rental property owners (apartments, duplexes, condominiums) save water, energy, and money through renewable energy.

In the area of solar energy, the can provide support with:

  • Solar Rooftop Program: design and install a solar panel system on customer’s rooftops
  • Shared Solar Program: purchase energy through SSP at at 10-year fixed rate


A New Way of Life Reentry Program is a nationally acclaimed organization that works to help women to rebuild their life after incarceration to build dignity, empower, and build leadership skills.

A New Way of Life Reentry Program services include but not limited to:

  • Advocate against discrimination for people with arrest or conviction histories
  • Assist with court appearances and applying for public assistance
  • Offer free legal clinics to help individuals reduce, reclassify and expunge criminal convictions
  • Offer pro bono client representation in Family Law and Probate Court


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